Journal of Applied Computer Science

Editor-in-Chief Adam Niewiadomski
Honorary Editors Edward Kącki, Piotr S. Szczepaniak
Phone: (+48 42) 631-27-96 Fax: (+48 42) 630-39-55 E-mail: jacs [at] it.p.lodz.pl
Executive Editor Arkadiusz Tomczyk
Language Editor Ewa Szkudlarek
ISSN 1507-0360 eISSN 2719-3152
Editorial Board
Klaus-Peter Adlassnig Section for Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support, Center for Medical Statistics, Informatics, and Intelligent Systems, Medical University of Vienna Vienna, Austria
Marek Balcerzak Institute of Mathematics Technical University of Łódź Łódź, Poland
Didier Dubois IRIT, Universite Paul Sabatier Toulouse, Cedex, France
Janusz Kacprzyk Institute of Systems Research Polish Academy of Sciences Warszawa, Poland
Jozef Korbicz Department of Robotics and Software Engineering Technical University of Zielona Góra Zielona Góra, Poland
Juliusz Lech Kulikowski Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering Warszawa, Poland
Marek Kurzyński Faculty Division of Computer Systems and Networks, Wrocław University of Technology, Wrocław, Poland
Jiming Liu Departament of Computer Science Honk Kong Baptist University Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong
Grzegorz J. Nalepa AGH University of Science and Technology Kraków, Poland
Alexander Nedzved United Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Minsk, Belarus
Witold Pedrycz Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Alberta Edmonton, Canada
Nguyen Xuan Quynh Institute of Electronics and Informatics Hanoi, Vietnam
Frank Schiller R&D Safety and Security Beckhoff Automation GmbH Nuremberg, Germany
Roman Słowiński Institute of Computing Science Poznań University of Technology Poznań, Poland
Maria Sokhn Professeure HES Institut Informatique de gestion Sierre, Switzerland
Stoyan Stoyanov University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy Sofia, Bulgaria
Dominik Ślęzak Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, University of Warsaw Warsaw, Poland
Ryszard Tadeusiewicz AGH University of Science and Technology Kraków, Poland
Juan D. Velásquez Web Intelligence Research Group Department of Industrial Engineering University of Chile Santiago, Chile
Dongrui Wu Machine Learning Lab GE Global Research New York, USA
Fatos Xhafa Departament de Ciències de la Computació Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Barcelona, Spain
Mykhaylo Yatsymirskyy Institute of Information Technology Technical University of Łódź Łódź, Poland
Ning Zhong Knowledge Information Systems Lab. Graduate School, Maebashi Institute of Technology Maebashi-City, Japan
Aims and Scope
Journal of Applied Computer Science is managed, edited and granted by Institute of Information Technology, Lodz University of Technology, Poland. JACS publishes original papers concerned with theory and practice of computer science and innovative computer technology as well as their application in engineering, biomedicine, ecology, socioeconomics and education. We are intending to publish interdisciplinary research in various fields related to control theory, applied mathematics, scientific computing and computer science, especially, regarding geographical diversity of authors, editors, reviewers, and contributors within all the world . It is the place for exchanging information and research results within (but not limited to) the following scope(s): 1. Machine intelligence and soft-computing with particular emphasis on:
- neural networks, fuzzy systems and evolutionary algorithms;
- expert, agents, diagnostic and decision supporting systems;
- data mining and warehousing;
- reasoning, knowledge extraction and information management.
2. Applications of computer science in modeling, simulation, identification and control. 3. Image processing and pattern recognition. 4. Computer graphics, visualization and multimedia. 5. Databases and information systems. 6. Computer security and recovery. 7. Communication, internet and distributed computer systems. 8. Software engineering and tools. The book reviews and conference announcements are also welcome.
Regularly, two numbers of JACS per year are published (six-monthly).
Journal publishes original articles, book reviews and conference announcements. By submitting the manuscript, the authors grant and assign to the publisher for its use any and all rights of whatsover kind of nature new or hereafter protected by the copyright law of the Republic of Poland and all foreign countries in all languages, including the subsidiary rights. The authors warrant that their contribution is original, that they have the full power to make this grant and that their will indemnify publisher against any cost, expenses or damages for which publisher may become liable as a result of any breach of this warranty. The copyright covers the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the paper, including reprints, photographic reproductions, microforms, diskettes, or any other reproductions of similar nature and translations. Copyright by Institute of Information Technology, Lodz University of Technology
In the event the journal is no longer published (access to archive), electronic backup and preservation of access to the journal content is ensured by Institute of Computer Science, Lodz University of Technology, Lodz, Poland.
Submission & Review Procedure
Instructions for authorsJournal of Applied Computer Science publishes original papers only. Full papers not exceeding 22 standard pages (30 lines x 60 characters), should be submitted electronically. Contributions should be written in good English and prepared in LaTeX. The abstract should not contain any formulas or references, and should not exceed 200 words. The Authors are required to follow the templates and styles given here: jacs-paper-template.zip No fees or charges are required for manuscript processing and/or publishing materials in the journalIllustrations (with captions), drawings, tables, diagrams and equations should be incorporated in the text and numbered consecutively. Mathematical symbols should be typewritten using the math mode of LaTeX. The references should be enumerated in order of appearing in text, and formatted as in the jacs-paper-template.zip (above), using the BiBTeX program, and the aiaa-jacs.bst style. Original articies should be sent to:Prof. Adam Niewiadomski JACS Editor-in-Chief Institute of Information Technology, Lodz University of Technology 90-924 Łódź, Wólczanska 215, Poland e-mail: jacs [at] it.p.lodz.pl, Phone: (+48 42) 632-97-57, Fax: (+48 42) 630-34-14 The Editors welcome proposals for exchange between journals of similar scope. The review procedure Editorial Review Process: peer-review, blind review All manuscripts are reviewed initially by the Editor and only those papers that meet the scientific and editorial standards of the journal, and fit within the aims and scope of the journal, will be sent for outside review. Each submission is peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers, but reviewer nominees from the same institution as any of the authors are not permitted. The review process is single-blind review. i.e. authors of publications do not know identity of reviewers. Reviewer(s) may be asked to sign a declaration of no conflict of interest, and conflict of interest is deemed to occur between the reviewer and author(s) by direct personal relationships, reporting relationships of professional or direct scientific cooperation in the past two years preceding the year of preparation reviews. Reviewed articles are treated confidentially prior to their publication.
Ethics and Malpractice statement
Publishers and editors shall take reasonable steps to identify and prevent the publication of papers where research misconduct has occurred. - In no case shall a publisher or editors encourage such misconduct, or knowingly allow such misconduct to take place. - In the event that a journal’s publisher or editors are made aware of any allegation of research misconduct the publisher or editor shall deal with allegations. - Publishers and editors should always be willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed.
When submitting the paper to JACS please note that: - No fees or charges are required for manuscript processing and/or publishing materials in the journal - All authors are expected to significantly contribute to the research - All authors are expected and obliged to provide corrections (retractions) of mistakes, in case the mistakes are found/detected - List of references for contributed and/or published papers should be provided by authors - Information on financial support should be provided by authors od the paper contributed and/or published - It is forbidden to publish same research in more than one journal - Reviewed articles should be treated confidentially prior to their publication.
In case of any allegations, misconduct in research, or necessity of preventing publication of papers Editorial Office should be informed clearly via e-mail to: jacs@it.p.lodz.pl . If necessary, corrections will be published in the form of separated articles, rectifications, etc. with direct references to the paper concerned.
Reviewers 2017, 2018
Piotr S. Szczepaniak, Volodymyr Yemets, Mikhaylo Yatsymirskyy, Adam Niewiadomski, Liliana Byczkowska Lipińska, Mykola Dyvak, Agnieszka Duraj,
Vol. 27 No. 1 (2019)
Contents, abstracts, full texts
Vol. 26 No. 2 (2018)
Contents, abstracts, full texts
Basic Mechanisms of Brownian String Analysis and ManipulationKrzysztof Bartyzel Affective Pathfinding in Video GamesMarcin Daszuta, Filip Wróbel, Filip Rynkiewicz, Dominik Szajerman, Piotr Napieralski Heterogeneous Fog Generated with the Effect of Light Scattering and BlurMichał Gawron, Urszula Boryczka Recommendations for Image Acquisition for 3D Room ScanningAdam Kaczmarek, Mariusz Szwoch, Dariusz Bartoszewski Numerical Models of Hierarchical Threshold Secret Sharing and Broadcasting with EncryptionJoanna Kapusta, Ryszard Smarzewski The Perspectives in Gait RecognitionPiotr M. Kowalski A Review on Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation MethodsJagoda Lazarek, Michał Pryczek The Use of Heuristic Algorithms: A Case Study of a Card GameKrzysztof Lichy, Marcin Mazur, Jan Stolarek, Piotr Lipiński Dedicated Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Systems: A Novel Approach to DeNOx Filtration SystemsAdam Niewiadomski, Marcin Kacprowicz Virtual Reality in Investigation of Human Navigational SkillsPrzemysław Nowak Virtual Money for Purchases in School Shops and for Educational Applications: eZlotyMichał Pawlak, Jakub Guziur, Aneta Poniszewska-Marańda, Jan Stolarek A Memory Model for Emotional Decision-Making Agent in a GameJakub Rogalski, Dominik Szajerman Normalization Effects in Matching Pursuit Algorithm with Gabor DictionariesPiotr T. Różański Pupil Detection Methods for Eye TrackingFilip Rynkiewicz, Marcin Daszuta, Piotr Napieralski Discretisation of Thermal Diffusion Equation in Multilayer Structures with Variable Material Parameters and Different ThicknessesWojciech Sobieski, Anna Trykozko
Vol. 26 No. 1 (2018)
Contents, abstracts, full texts
Vol. 25 No. 2 (2017)
Contents, abstracts, full texts
Vol. 25 No. 1 (2017)
Contents, abstracts, full texts
Vol. 24 No. 3 (2016)
Contents, abstracts, full texts
Vol. 24 No. 2 (2016)
Contents, abstracts, full texts
Vol. 24 No. 1 (2016)
Contents, abstracts, full texts
Vol. 23 No. 2 (2015)
Contents, abstracts, full texts
Vol. 23 No. 1 (2015)
Contents, abstracts, full texts
BiBTeX for JACS Vol. 23 No. 1 (2015)
The BiBTeX references to papers from Vol. 23 No. 1 (2015) are given here:
Vol. 22 No. 2 (2014)
Contents, abstracts, full texts
BiBTeX for JACS Vol. 22 No. 2 (2014)
The BiBTeX references to papers from Vol. 22 No. 2 (2014) are given here: @Article{ JACS-2-2014-Bartyzel, title = "Invariant {L}evenstein Distance as an Example of the {H}ausdorff Distance", author = "Krzysztof Bartyzel", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "7--17", volume = "22", number = "2", year = "2014", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2014-2/jacs-2014-2-Bartyzel.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-2-2014-Janczewski-Turowski, title = "The Backbone Coloring Problem for Small Graphs", author = "Robert Janczewski and Krzysztof Turowski", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "19--30", volume = "22", number = "2", year = "2014", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2014-2/jacs-2014-2-Janczewski-Turowski.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-2-2014-Jurkiewicz-et-al, title = "Some Lower Bounds on the {S}hannon Capacity", author = "Marcin Jurkiewicz and Marek Kubale and Krzysztof Turowski", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "31--42", volume = "22", number = "2", year = "2014", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2014-2/jacs-2014-2-Jurkiewicz-et-al.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-2-2014-Kacki, title = "Automation of Continuous Information on the Transport Routes Based on the Switching Circuit Properties", author = "Edward Kącki", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "43--54", volume = "22", number = "2", year = "2014", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2014-2/jacs-2014-2-Kacki.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-2-2014-Savka-et-al, title = "Intelligent Classifier Based on Radial Basis Function Network for the Task of Identification the Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve in a Surgical Wound", author = "Nadiya Savka and Mykola Dyvak and Andriy Pukas and Vasyl Nemish", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "55--64", volume = "22", number = "2", year = "2014", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2014-2/jacs-2014-2-Savka-et-al.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-2-2014-Smolinski, title = "Filesystems Performance in {GNU}/{L}inux Multi-Disk Data Storage", author = "Mateusz Smoli{\'n}ski", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "65--84", volume = "22", number = "2", year = "2014", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2014-2/jacs-2014-2-Smolinski.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-2-2014-Tomczyk, title = "Detection of Line Segments", author = "Arkadiusz Tomczyk", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "81--90", volume = "22", number = "2", year = "2014", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2014-2/jacs-2014-2-Tomczyk.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-2-2014-Vovkodav-Pasichnyk, title = "The Method of Identification of a Mathematical Model for the Cardiovascular System Response Dynamics to Exercise Stress", author = "Oleksandr Vovkodav and Roman Pasichnyk", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "91--99", volume = "22", number = "2", year = "2014", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2014-2/jacs-2014-2-Vovkodav-Pasichnyk.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-2-2014-awrzyniak-Karaszewski, title = "An Attempt to Develop a Model Selection Algorithm of Computer Simulation during the Design Process of Mechanical Response of Any Mechanical Body", author = "Pawe{\l} Wawrzyniak and Waldemar Karaszewski", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "101--117", volume = "22", number = "2", year = "2014", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2014-2/jacs-2014-2-Wawrzyniak-Karaszewski.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-2-2014-Wibig, title = "Diagram Models in Continuous Business Process Improvement", author = "Mateusz Wibig", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "119--133", volume = "22", number = "2", year = "2014", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2014-2/jacs-2014-2-Wibig.pdf" }
Vol. 22 No. 1 (2014)
Contents, abstracts, full texts
Assessment of PTC Windchill in Teaching the Software Development Using the Agile MethodologyCezary Bołdak pp.7-27 New Deformable Models Development Using the MESA EnvironmentCezary Bołdak, Daniel Reska, Marek Kretowski pp.29-48 Windchill System Architecture Landscape within TEWI Administrative DomainMarcin Kłosinski pp.49-60 Software Tools to Measure the Duplication of Information Marian Kostrzewski pp.61-71 HOLOS – Game of Many Reasons and GoalsRomuald Kotowski, Krzysztof Kasianiuk, Rolisław J. Kolbusz, Wojciech Kaminski pp.73-84 Competence Data Manipulation Library for Java: Architecture and Applications Bartłomiej Małachowski, Przemysław Różewski pp.85-95 GROUP COMPOSER - System for Modeling Agents’ Team Building for Tasks Arkadiusz Naruk pp.97-109 Determination of the Temperature Fields in a Fluid and a Solid Domain during the Water Evaporation Processes in Vertical Round TubesPaweł Ocłoń, Marzena Nowak, Bohdan Weglowski, Tomasz Nabagło, Piotr Cisek, Magdalena Jaremkiewicz, Karol Majewski pp.111-135 Integrating Web Site Services into Application through User Interface Artur Opaliński pp.137-153 History-Based Dynamic Weight Voting for Multi-agent Systems Artur Opaliński pp.155-169 Mathematical Modeling of Website Quality Characteristics in Dynamics Natalia Pasichnyk, Mykola Dyvak, Roman Pasichnyk pp.171-182 Model Driven Architecture for Modeling of Logical Security Based on RBAC ApproachAneta Poniszewska-Marańda pp.183-199 Hierarchical Fuzzy Logic Systems and Controlling Vehicles in Computer GamesKrzysztof Renkas, Adam Niewiadomski pp.201-212 Model of Consolidated Data and Its Formulating with UncertaintyNatalya Shakhovska, Mykola Medykovskyj, Vasyl Lytvyn, Janusz Lipinski pp.213-221 Design and Implementation Principles of FIReWORK ONLINE – the VHDL Autogenerator for Hardware StructuresRobert Smyk pp.223-230
BiBTeX for JACS Vol. 22 No. 1 (2014)
The BiBTeX references to papers from Vol. 22 No. 1 (2014) are given here
@Article{ JACS-1-2014-Boldak, title = "Assessment of {PTC} {W}indchill in Teaching the Software Development Using the Agile Methodology", author = "Cezary Bo{\l}dak", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "7--27", volume = "22", number = "1", year = "2014", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2014-1/jacs-1-2014-Boldak.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-1-2014-Boldak-et-al, title = "New Deformable Models Development Using the {MESA} Environment", author = "Cezary Bo{\l}dak and Daniel Reska and Marek Kretowski", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "29--48", volume = "22", number = "1", year = "2014", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2014-1/jacs-1-2014-Boldak-et-al.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-1-2014-Klosinski, title = "Windchill System Architecture Landscape within {TEWI} Administrative Domain", author = "Marcin K{\l}osinski", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "49--60", volume = "22", number = "1", year = "2014", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2014-1/jacs-1-2014-Klosinski.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-1-2014-Kostrzewski, title = "Software Tools to Measure the Duplication of Information ", author = "Marian Kostrzewski", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "61--71", volume = "22", number = "1", year = "2014", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2014-1/jacs-1-2014-Kostrzewski.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-1-2014-Kotowski-et-al, title = "{HOLOS} - Game of Many Reasons and Goals", author = "Romuald Kotowski and Krzysztof Kasianiuk and Rolis{\l}aw J. Kolbusz and Wojciech Kaminski", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "73--84", volume = "22", number = "1", year = "2014", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2014-1/jacs-1-2014-Kotowski-et-al.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-1-2014-MalachowskiRozewski, title = "Competence Data Manipulation Library for {J}ava: Architecture and Applications ", author = "Bart{\l}omiej Ma{\l}achowski and Przemys{\l}aw R{\'o}żewski", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "85--95", volume = "22", number = "1", year = "2014", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2014-1/jacs-1-2014-MalachowskiRozewski.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-1-2014-Naruk, title = "{GROUP COMPOSER} - System for Modeling Agents{\rq} Team Building for Tasks", author = "Arkadiusz Naruk", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "97--109", volume = "22", number = "1", year = "2014", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2014-1/jacs-1-2014-Naruk.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-1-2014-Oclon-et-al, title = "Determination of the Temperature Fields in a Fluid and a Solid Domain during the Water Evaporation Processes in Vertical Round Tubes", author = "Pawe{\l} Oc{\l}o{\'n} and Marzena Nowak and Bohdan Weglowski and Tomasz Nabag{\l}o and Piotr Cisek and Magdalena Jaremkiewicz and Karol Majewski", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "111--135", volume = "22", number = "1", year = "2014", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2014-1/jacs-1-2014-Oclon-et-al.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-1-2014-Opalinski, title = "Integrating Web Site Services into Application through User Interface ", author = "Artur Opali{\'n}ski", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "137--153", volume = "22", number = "1", year = "2014", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2014-1/jacs-1-2014-Opalinski.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-1-2014-Opalinski-2, title = "History-Based Dynamic Weight Voting for Multi-agent Systems", author = "Artur Opali{\'n}ski", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "155--169", volume = "22", number = "1", year = "2014", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2014-1/jacs-1-2014-Opalinski-2.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-1-2014-Pasichnyk-et-al, title = "Mathematical Modeling of Website Quality Characteristics in Dynamics", author = "Natalia Pasichnyk and Mykola Dyvak and Roman Pasichnyk", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "171--182", volume = "22", number = "1", year = "2014", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2014-1/jacs-1-2014-Pasichnyk-et-al.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-1-2014-Poniszewska, title = "Model Driven Architecture for Modeling of Logical Security Based on {RBAC} Approach", author = "Aneta Poniszewska-Mara{\'n}da", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "183--199", volume = "22", number = "1", year = "2014", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2014-1/jacs-1-2014-Poniszewska.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-1-2014-RenkasNiewiadomski, title = "Hierarchical Fuzzy Logic Systems and Controlling Vehicles in Computer Games", author = "Krzysztof Renkas and Adam Niewiadomski", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "201--212", volume = "22", number = "1", year = "2014", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2014-1/jacs-1-2014-RenkasNiewiadomski.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-1-2014-Shakhovska-et-al, title = "Model of Consolidated Data and Its Formulating with Uncertainty", author = "Natalya Shakhovska and Mykola Medykovskyj and Vasyl Lytvyn and Janusz Lipinski", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "213--221", volume = "22", number = "1", year = "2014", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2014-1/jacs-1-2014-Shakhovska-et-al.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-1-2014-Smyk, title = "Design and Implementation Principles of {FIReWORK} {ONLINE} -- the {VHDL} Autogenerator for Hardware Structures", author = "Robert Smyk", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "223--230", volume = "22", number = "1", year = "2014", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2014-1/jacs-1-2014-Smyk.pdf" }
Vol. 21 No. 2 (2013)
Contents, abstracts, full texts
Markerless Assisted Rehabilitation SystemMichał Binkowski, Krzysztof Guzek, Piotr Napieralskipp. 7-19 Application Available Through the Web Page for Simulation of the SH Wave Scattering by an Elastic Rigidly Supported InclusionsVolodymyr Emets, Jan Rogowskipp. 21-29 Computer Networks as Complex Systems in Nonextensive ApproachFranciszek Grabowski, Andrzej Paszkiewicz, Marek Bolanowski pp. 31-44 Modeling of Medical Services Using OWLWojciech Horzelski, Mariusz Jarocki, Dariusz Doliwa, Jerzy Czerbniak pp. 45-56 An Approach and a Method of Information Processing in Computer Using Numbering of the Program ComponentsAnatoliy O. Melnykpp. 57-72 System for Logistics Customer ServiceJoanna Ochelska-Mierzejewskapp.73-84 Accelerating Molecular Dynamics Computing Using Iteration Space SlicingMarek Palkowskipp. 85-96 Image Filtering with Fast Parametrized Biorthogonal Transforms Implemented on a New GUI Research Aid SystemDariusz Puchala, Bartłomiej Stasiak, Kamil Stokfiszewski, Mykhaylo Yatsymirskyypp. 97-115 Performance and Overhead Analysis in Runtime Code ModificationJarosław Rudypp. 117-136 Evaluating Semantic Similarity with a New Method of Path Analysis in RDF Using Genetic AlgorithmsŁukasz Strobin, Adam Niewiadomskipp.137-151 Windchill Policy Administration within TEWI Administrative Domain ́Konrad Świrski, Urszula Zajkowska pp.153-163 Head-Coupled Perspective in Computer GamesMichał Szkudlarek, Maria Pietruszka pp.165-179 Application of Active Contours with Expert Knowledge to Heart Ventricle Segmentation Arkadiusz Tomczyk pp. 181-194 NSGA II Algorithm Application within the Dynamic Programming Approach to Business Process Optimisation Mateusz Wibig pp. 195-207 On Statistical Analysis Methods Improving Epidemiological StudiesAgnieszka Wosiakpp. 209-219
BiBTeX for JACS Vol. 21 No. 2 (2013)
The BiBTeX references to papers from Vol. 21 No. 2 (2013) are given here
@Article{ JACS-2-2013-Binkowski-et-al, title = "Markerless Assisted Rehabilitation System", author = "Micha{\l} Binkowski and Krzysztof Guzek and Piotr Napieralski", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "7--19", volume = "21", number = "2", year = "2013", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2013-2/jacs-2-2013-Binkowski-et-al.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-2-2013-Emets-Rogowski, title = "Application Available Through the Web Page for Simulation of the {SH} Wave Scattering by an Elastic Rigidly Supported Inclusions", author = "Volodymyr Emets and Jan Rogowski", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "21--29", volume = "21", number = "2", year = "2013", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2013-2/jacs-2-2013-Emets-Rogowski.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-2-2013-Grabowski-et-al, title = "Computer Networks as Complex Systems in Nonextensive Approach", author = "Franciszek Grabowski and Andrzej Paszkiewicz and Marek Bolanowski", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "31--44", volume = "21", number = "2", year = "2013", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2013-2/jacs-2-2013-Grabowski-et-al.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-2-2013-Horzelski-et-al, title = "Modeling of Medical Services Using {OWL}", author = "Wojciech Horzelski and Mariusz Jarocki and Dariusz Doliwa and Jerzy Czerbniak", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "45--56", volume = "21", number = "2", year = "2013", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2013-2/jacs-2-2013-Horzelski-et-al.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-2-2013-Melnyk, title = "An Approach and a Method of Information Processing in Computer Using Numbering of the Program Components", author = "Anatoliy O. Melnyk", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "57--72", volume = "21", number = "2", year = "2013", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2013-2/jacs-2-2013-Melnyk.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-2-2013-OchelskaMierzejewska, title = "System for Logistics Customer Service", author = "Joanna Ochelska-Mierzejewska", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "73--84", volume = "21", number = "2", year = "2013", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2013-2/jacs-2-2013-OchelskaMierzejewska.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-2-2013-Palkowski, title = "Accelerating Molecular Dynamics Computing Using Iteration Space Slicing", author = "Marek Palkowski", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "85--96", volume = "21", number = "2", year = "2013", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2013-2/jacs-2-2013-Palkowski.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-2-2013-Puchala-et-al, title = "Image Filtering with Fast Parametrized Biorthogonal Transforms Implemented on a New {GUI} Research Aid System", author = "Dariusz Pucha{\l}a and Bart{\l}omiej Stasiak and Kamil Stokfiszewski and Mykhaylo Yatsymirskyy", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "97--115", volume = "21", number = "2", year = "2013", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2013-2/jacs-2-2013-Puchala-et-al.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-2-2013-Rudy, title = "Performance and Overhead Analysis in Runtime Code Modification", author = "Jaros{\l}aw Rudy", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "117--136", volume = "21", number = "2", year = "2013", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2013-2/jacs-2-2013-Rudy.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-2-2013-Strobin-Niewiadomski, title = "Evaluating Semantic Similarity with a New Method of Path Analysis in {RDF} Using Genetic Algorithms", author = "{\L}ukasz Strobin and Adam Niewiadomski", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "137--151", volume = "21", number = "2", year = "2013", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2013-2/jacs-2-2013-Strobin-Niewiadomski.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-2-2013-Swirski-Zajkowska, title = "Windchill Policy Administration within {TEWI} Administrative Domain", author = "Konrad {\'S}wirski and Urszula Zajkowska", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "153--156", volume = "21", number = "2", year = "2013", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2013-2/jacs-2-2013-Swirski-Zajkowska.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-2-2013-Szkudlarek-Pietruszka, title = "Head-Coupled Perspective in Computer Games", author = "Micha{\l} Szkudlarek and Maria Pietruszka", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "165--179", volume = "21", number = "2", year = "2013", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2013-2/jacs-2-2013-Szkudlarek-Pietruszka.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-2-2013-Tomczyk, title = "Application of Active Contours with Expert Knowledge to Heart Ventricle Segmentation", author = "Arkadiusz Tomczyk", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "181--194", volume = "21", number = "2", year = "2013", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2013-2/jacs-2-2013-Tomczyk.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-2-2013-Wibig, title = "{NSGA II} Algorithm Application within the Dynamic Programming Approach to Business Process Optimisation", author = "Mateusz Wibig", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "195--207", volume = "21", number = "2", year = "2013", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2013-2/jacs-2-2013-Wibig.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-2-2013-Wosiak, title = "On Statistical Analysis Methods Improving Epidemiological Studies", author = "Agnieszka Wosiak", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "209--219", volume = "21", number = "2", year = "2013", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2013-2/jacs-2-2013-Wosiak.pdf" }
Vol. 21 No. 1 (2013)
Contents, abstracts, full texts
BiBTeX for JACS Vol. 21 No. 1 (2013)
The BiBTeX references to papers from Vol. 21 No. 1 (2013) are given here
@Article{ JACS-1-2013-Buriak, title = "Computer-Aided Local Energy Planning Using {ALEP-PL} Software", author = "Jerzy Buriak", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "7--23", volume = "21", number = "1", year = "2013", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2013-1/jacs-1-2013-Buriak.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-1-2013-Chomatek, title = "Parallel Hierarchies for Solving Single Source Shortest Path Problem ", author = "{\L}ukasz Chomatek", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "25--38", volume = "21", number = "1", year = "2013", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2013-1/jacs-1-2013-Chomatek.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-1-2013-Duraj, title = "Application of Fussion Classify for Data Classification ", author = "Agnieszka Duraj", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "39--52", volume = "21", number = "1", year = "2013", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2013-1/jacs-1-2013-Duraj.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-1-2013-Kwapisz, title = "Running and Testing {Java} {EE} Applications in Embedded Mode with {JupEEter} Framework", author = "Marcin Kwapisz", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "55--69", volume = "21", number = "1", year = "2013", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2013-1/jacs-1-2013-Kwapisz.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-1-2013-Majewski-Wojtyna, title = "Law Discovery Perceptrons and Way of Their Learning", author = "Jaros{\l}aw Majewski and Ryszard Wojtyna", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "71--87", volume = "21", number = "1", year = "2013", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2013-1/jacs-1-2013-Majewski-Wojtyna.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-1-2013-Myszkorowski-Superson, title = "Fuzzy Querying with the Use of Interval-Valued Fuzzy Sets", author = "Krzysztof Myszkorowski and Izabela Superson", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "89--105", volume = "21", number = "1", year = "2013", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2013-1/jacs-1-2013-Myszkorowski-Superson.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-1-2013-Napieralski-Guzek, title = "Interactive Visualization of Magnetic Fields", author = "Piotr Napieralski and Krzysztof Guzek", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "107--117", volume = "21", number = "1", year = "2013", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2013-1/jacs-1-2013-Napieralski-Guzek.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-1-2013-Poniszewska, title = "Multi-agent System to Assure the Logical Security of Data in Distributed Information System", author = "Aneta Poniszewska-Mara{\'n}da", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "119--133", volume = "21", number = "1", year = "2013", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2013-1/jacs-1-2013-Poniszewska.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-1-2013-Smyk, title = "{FIReWORK}: {FIR} Filters Hardware Structures Auto-Generator", author = "Robert Smyk", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "135--149", volume = "21", number = "1", year = "2013", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2013-1/jacs-1-2013-Smyk.pdf" }
Vol. 20 No. 2 (2012)
Contents, abstracts, full texts
Effective Similarity Measures in Electronic Testing at Programming Languages Adio T. Akinwale, Adam Niewiadomski pp. 7-26
Natural User Interfaces (NUI): Review Grzegorz Glonek, Maria Pietruszka pp. 27-45
E-voting System with Distributed Responsibility Joanna Kapusta pp. 47-57
Interactive 3D Architectural Visualization with Semantics in Web Browsers Marcin Książek, Maria Pietruszka pp. 59-70
Intelligent Agent on the Basis of Adaptive Ontologies Vasyl Lytvyn, Mykola Medykovskyj, Natalia Shakhovska, Dmytro Dosyn pp. 71-77
Computer Models of Similarity in Musical Pieces Based on the Multi-dimensional Patterns Łukasz Mazurowski, Antoni Wiliński pp. 79-94
Quantum Simulations of Particle Scattered by a Rectangular Potential Marcin Ostrowski pp. 95-106
Low-Complexity Approximation of 8-point Discrete Cosine Transform for Image Compression Dariusz Puchała, Kamil Stokfiszewski pp. 107-117
Special Key-Value Store - Header Only Database for N-gram Models Dawid Skurzok, Bartosz Ziółko pp. 119-129
Investigation of the Reliability of Computing Systems Dmitro Trushakov, Dmitro Moshna pp. 131-140
BiBTeX for JACS Vol. 20 No. 2 (2012)
The BiBTeX references to papers from Vol. 20 No. 2 (2012) are given here@Article{ JACS-2-2012-Akinwale, title = "Effective Similarity Measures in Electronic Testing at Programming Languages", author = "Adio T. Akinwale and Adam Niewiadomski", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "7--26", volume = "20", number = "2", year = "2012", url = " http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2012-2/JACS-2-2012-Akinwale-Niewiadomski.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2-2012-Glonek, title = "Natural User Interfaces (NUI): Review", author = "Grzegorz Glonek and Maria Pietruszka", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "27--45", volume = "20", number = "2", year = "2012", url = " http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2012-2/JACS-2-2012-Glonek-Pietruszka.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2-2012-Kapusta, title = "E-voting System with Distributed Responsibility ", author = "Joanna Kapusta", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "47--57", volume = "20", number = "2", year = "2012", url = " http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2012-2/JACS-2-2012-Kapusta.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2-2012-Ksiazek, title = "Interactive {3D} Architectural Visualization with Semantics in Web Browsers", author = "Marcin Książek and Maria Pietruszka", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "59--70", volume = "20", number = "2", year = "2012", url = " http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2012-2/JACS-2-2012-Ksiazek-Pietruszka.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2-2012-Lytvyn, title = "Intelligent Agent on the Basis of Adaptive Ontologies", author = "Vasyl Lytvyn and Mykola Medykovskyj and Natalia Shakhovska and Dmytro Dosyn", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "71--77", volume = "20", number = "2", year = "2012", url = " http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2012-2/JACS-2-2012-Lytvyn-et-al.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2-2012-Mazurowski, title = "Computer Models of Similarity in Musical Pieces Based on the Multi-dimensional Patterns", author = "{\L}ukasz Mazurowski and Antoni Wili{\'n}ski", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "79--94", volume = "20", number = "2", year = "2012", url = " http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2012-2/JACS-2-2012-Mazurowski-Wilinski.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2-2012-Ostrowski, title = "Quantum Simulations of Particle Scattered by a Rectangular Potential", author = "Marcin Ostrowski", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "95--106", volume = "20", number = "2", year = "2012", url = " http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2012-2/JACS-2-2012-Ostrowski.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2-2012-Puchala, title = "Low-Complexity Approximation of 8-point Discrete Cosine Transform for Image Compression", author = "Dariusz Pucha{\l}a and Kamil Stokfiszewski", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "107--117", volume = "20", number = "2", year = "2012", url = " http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2012-2/JACS-2-2012-Puchala-Stokfiszewski.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2-2012-Skurzok, title = "Special Key-Value Store - Header Only Database for N-gram Models", author = "Dawid Skurzok and Bartosz Zi{\'o}{\l}ko", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "119--129", volume = "20", number = "2", year = "2012", url = " http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2012-2/JACS-2-2012-Skorzok-Ziolko.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2-2012-Trushakov, title = "Investigation of the Reliability of Computing Systems", author = "Dmitro Trushakova and Dmitro Moshna", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "131--140", volume = "20", number = "2", year = "2012", url = " http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2012-2/JACS-2-2012-Trushakov-Moshna.pdf" }
Vol. 20 No. 1 (2012)
Contents, abstracts, full texts
BiBTeX for JACS Vol. 20 No. 1 (2012)
The BiBTeX references to papers from Vol. 20 No. 1 (2012) are given here @Article{ JACS-1-2012-Flasinski, title = "Business Process- and Graph Grammar-Based Approach to {ERP} System Modelling", author = "Mariusz Flasi{\'n}ski and Janusz Jurek", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "7--21", volume = "20", number = "1", year = "2012", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2012-1/JACS-1-2012-Flasinski.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-1-2012-Kacki, title = "Knowledge and Artificial Intelligence in Virtual Environment", author = "Edward Kącki", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "23--33", volume = "20", number = "1", year = "2012", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2012-1/JACS-1-2012-Kacki.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-1-2012-Klosinski, title = "Leveraging {TEWI} Platform to Enhance Scientific Collaboration on Universities", author = "Marcin K{\l}osi{\'n}ski", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "35--50", volume = "20", number = "1", year = "2012", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2012-1/JACS-1-2012-Klosinski.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-1-2012-Nagorny, title = "Accuracy Influence of the Hardware Implementation of the {H}opfield Network on the Solution Quality for the {T}raveling {S}alesman {P}roblem", author = "Zbigniew Nag{\'o}rny", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "51--67", volume = "20", number = "1", year = "2012", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2012-1/JACS-1-2012-Nagorny.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-1-2012-Shakhovska, title = "Dataspace Class Algebraic System for Modeling Integrated Processes", author = "Natalya Shakhovska and Mykola Medykovskyj and Vasyl Lytvyn", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "69--80", volume = "20", number = "1", year = "2012", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2012-1/JACS-1-2012-Shakhovska.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-1-2012-Wierzcholski, title = "Unified Mega Algorithm for Partial Recurrence {R}eynolds Solution", author = "Krzysztof Ch. Wierzcholski", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "81--101", volume = "20", number = "1", year = "2012", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2012-1/JACS-1-2012-Wierzcholski.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-1-2012-Wojciechowski, title = "Mobile Vision Based Augmented Reality Navigation System", author = "Adam Wojciechowski", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "103--118", volume = "20", number = "1", year = "2012", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2012-1/JACS-1-2012-Wojciechowski.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-1-2012-Ziolko, title = "Neural Network Application for Automatic Decisions in Poker", author = "Bartosz Zi{\'o}{\l}ko and Daniel Bochniak and Grzegorz Jankowski", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "119--127", volume = "20", number = "1", year = "2012", url = "http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2012-1/JACS-1-2012-Ziolko.pdf" }
Vol. 19 No. 2 (2011)
Contents, abstracts, full texts
BiBTeX for JACS Vol. 19 No. 2 (2011)
The BiBTeX references to papers from Vol. 19 No. 2 (2011) are given here@Article{ JACS-2011-Grzybowski, title = "Security of Information in University Elearning Systems", author = "Rafał Grzybowski", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "7--18", volume = "19", number = "2", year = "2011", url = " http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2011-2/JACS-2-2011-Grzybowski.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2011-Jurkiewicz, title = "A Note on Shannon Capacity for Invariant and Evolving Channels", author = "Marcin Jurkiewicz and Marek Kubale", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "19--29", volume = "19", number = "2", year = "2011", url = " http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2011-2/JACS-2-2011-Jurkiewicz-Kubale.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2011-Kaminski, title = "Reaction-diffusion Problems with Random Parameters Using the Generalized Stochastic Finite Difference Method", author = "Marcin Kamiński", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "31--45", volume = "19", number = "2", year = "2011", url = " http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2011-2/JACS-2-2011-Kaminski.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2011-Kocon, title = "Face Emotional States Mapping Based on the Rigid Bone Model", author = "Maja Kocoń and Zbigniew Emirsajłow", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "47--60", volume = "19", number = "2", year = "2011", url = " http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2011-2/JACS-2-2011-Kocon-Emirsajlow.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2011-Kozarzewski, title = "Multilevel Time Series Complexity", author = "Bohdan Kozarzewski", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "61--71", volume = "19", number = "2", year = "2011", url = " http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2011-2/JACS-2-2011-Kozarzewski.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2011-Mitra, title = "Hybrid Data Gathering Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks", author = "Swarup Kumar Mitra and Ayon Chakraborty and Mrinal Kanti Naskar ", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "73--88", volume = "19", number = "2", year = "2011", url = " http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2011-2/JACS-2-2011-Mitra-et-al.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2011-PoniszewskaMaranda, title = "Administration of Access Control in Information Systems Using URBAC Model", author = "Aneta Poniszewska-Marańda", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "89--109", volume = "19", number = "2", year = "2011", url = " http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2011-2/JACS-2-2011-PoniszewskaMaranda.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2011-Sobieski, title = "Possibility to Use the Diffusion Equation to Heat Flow Modeling in a Composting Process ", author = "Wojciech Sobieski", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "111--123", volume = "19", number = "2", year = "2011", url = " http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2011-2/JACS-2-2011-Sobieski.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2011-Stolarek, title = "On Properties of a Lattice Structure for a Wavelet Filter Bank Implementation: Part II", author = "Jan Stolarek", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "125--139", volume = "19", number = "2", year = "2011", url = " http://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2011-2/JACS-2-2011-Stolarek.pdf" }
Vol. 19 No. 1 (2011)
Contents, abstracts, full texts
A Context Aware Framework for Product Based Software CertificationVolodimir Babiy, Ryszard Janicki, Waldemar W. Koczkodaj, Alan Wassyngpp. 7-32 New Optical Character Recognition Method Based on Hu Invariant Moments and Weighted Voting Marcin Kmiećpp. 33-50 Modern Regularization Techniques for Inverse Modelling: a Comparative Study Dorota Krawczyk-Stańdo, Marek Rudnicki, Jacek Stańdo pp. 51-62 Free and Open Software for Applied Statistics. A Comparison and a Case Study in Biometrics Ewa Niewiadomska, Adam Niewiadomski pp. 65-83 On Properties of a Lattice Structure for a Wavelet Filter Bank Implementation: Part I Jan Stolarek pp. 85-116 Optimization of P2P-based Distributed SystemsKrzysztof Walkowiak, Grzegorz Chmaj, Michał Kucharzak, Adam Siwek, Juliusz Skowronpp. 117-138 Algorithm for Friction Force Computation in Intelligent Micro-Pairs System Krzysztof Ch. Wierzcholski pp. 139-160 The Application of Artificial Neural Networks in Optimization of Heat Treatment Processes of SteelEmilia Wołowiec, Piotr Kula pp. 161-169
BiBTeX for JACS Vol. 19 No. 1 (2011)
The BiBTeX references to papers from Vol. 19 No. 1 (2011) are given here
@Article{ JACS-2011-Babiy, title = "A Context Aware Framework for Product Based Software Certification", author = "Volodimir Babiy and Ryszard Janicki and Waldemar W. Koczkodaj and Alan Wassyng", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "7--32", volume = "19", number = "1", year = "2011" }
@Article{ JACS-2011-Kmiec, title = "New Optical Character Recognition Method Based on Hu Invariant Moments and Weighted Voting", author = "Marcin Kmie{\'c}", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "33--50", volume = "19", number = "1", year = "2011" }
@Article{ JACS-2011-Stando, title = "Modern Regularization Techniques for Inverse Modelling: a Comparative Study", author = "Dorota Krawczyk-Sta{\'n}do and Marek Rudnicki and Jacek Sta{\'n}do", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "51--62", volume = "19", number = "1", year = "2011" }
@Article{ JACS-2011-Niewiadomska, title = "Free and Open Software for Applied Statistics. A Comparison and a Case Study in Biometrics", author = "Ewa Niewiadomska and Adam Niewiadomski", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "65--83", volume = "19", number = "1", year = "2011" }
@Article{ JACS-2011-Stolarek, title = "On Properties of a Lattice Structure for a Wavelet Filter Bank Implementation: Part I", author = "Jan Stolarek", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "85--116", volume = "19", number = "1", year = "2011" }
@Article{ JACS-2011-Walkowiak, title = "Optimization of P2P-based Distributed Systems", author = "Krzysztof Walkowiak and Grzegorz Chmaj and Micha{\l} Kucharzak and Adam Siwek and Juliusz Skowron", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "117--138", volume = "19", number = "1", year = "2011" }
@Article{ JACS-2011-Wierzcholski, title = "Algorithm for Friction Force Computation in Intelligent Micro-Pairs System", author = "Krzysztof Ch. Wierzcholski", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "139--160", volume = "19", number = "1", year = "2011" }
@Article{ JACS-2011-Wolowiec, title = "The Application of Artificial Neural Networks in Optimization of Heat Treatment Processes of Steel", author = "Emilia Wo{\l}owiec and Piotr Kula", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "161--169", volume = "19", number = "1", year = "2011" }
Vol. 18 No. 2 (2010)
Contents, abstracts, full texts
A New Evolutionary Algorithm for Routes Generation with Optimal Time of Realization in Public Transport NetworkJolanta Koszelew, Anna Piwońskapp. 7-23 On Distributed Data Processing in Data Grid Architecture for a Virtual RepositoryKamil Kuliberda, Jacek Wiślicki, Tomasz M. Kowalski,Radosław Adamus, Krzysztof Kaczmarski, Kazimierz Subietapp. 25-55 The Gentzen Sequent Calculus in E-Testing. Part II: Algorithms and ImplementationAdam Niewiadomski, Andrzej Indrzejczakpp. 57-65 Active Partition Based Medical Image Understanding with Self-Organised Competitive Spatch EductionMichał Pryczek, Arkadiusz Tomczyk, Piotr S. Szczepaniakpp. 67-78 Pseudo-Gaussian Density Functions for Gap Height Between Two SurfacesKrzysztof Ch. Wierzcholski, Katarzyna Nowakowskapp. 79-90 Packet Switching Networks Traffic Prediction Based on Radial Basis Function Neural NetworkArkadiusz Zaleski, Tomasz Kacprzakpp. 91-101 Modelling the Impact of Asymmetrical Phase Parameters on the Torque Waveform of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous MotorXuandi Zhao, Jasmin Corda, T. X. Meipp. 103-116
BiBTeX for JACS Vol. 18 No. 2 (2010)
The BiBTeX references to papers from Vol. 18 No. 2 (2010) are given here
@Article{ JACS-2010-Koszelew, title = "A New Evolutionary Algorithm for Routes Generation with Optimal Time of Realization in Public Transport Network", author = "Jolanta Koszelew and Anna Piwo{'n}ska", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "7--23", volume = "18", number = "2", year = "2010", url = "https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2010-2/jacs-2-2010-Koszelew-Piwonska.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-2010-Kuliberda, title = "On Distributed Data Processing in Data Grid Architecture for a Virtual Repository", author = "Kamil Kuliberda and Jacek Wiślicki and Tomasz M. Kowalski and Rados{\l}aw Adamus and Krzysztof Kaczmarski and Kazimierz Subieta", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "25--55", volume = "18", number = "2", year = "2010", url = "https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2010-2/jacs-2-2010-Kuliberda-et-al.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-2010-Niewiadomski, title = "The {G}entzen Sequent Calculus in {E}-Testing. Part II: Algorithms and Implementation", author = "Adam Niewiadomski and Andrzej Indrzejczak", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "57--65", volume = "18", number = "2", year = "2010", url = "https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2010-2/jacs-2-2010-Niewiadomski-Indrzejczak.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-2010-Pryczek, title = "Active Partition Based Medical Image Understanding with Self-Organised Competitive Spatch Eduction", author = "Micha{\l} Pryczek and Arkadiusz Tomczyk and Piotr S. Szczepaniak", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "67--78", volume = "18", number = "2", year = "2010", url = "https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2010-2/jacs-2-2010-Pryczek-Tomczyk-Szczepaniak.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-2010-Wierzcholski, title = "Pseudo-Gaussian Density Functions for Gap Height Between Two Surfaces", author = "Krzysztof Ch. Wierzcholski and Katarzyna Nowakowska", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "79--90", volume = "18", number = "2", year = "2010", url = "https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2010-2/jacs-2-2010-Wierzcholski-Nowakowska.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-2010-Zaleski, title = "Packet Switching Networks Tra?c Prediction Based on Radial Basis Function Neural Network", author = "Arkadiusz Zaleski and Tomasz Kacprzak", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "91--101", volume = "18", number = "2", year = "2010", url = "https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2010-2/jacs-2-2010-Zaleski-Kacprzak.pdf" }
@Article{ JACS-2010-Zhao, title = "Modelling the Impact of Asymmetrical Phase Parameters on the Torque Waveform of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor", author = "Xuandi Zhao and Jasmin Corda and T. X. Mei", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "103--116", volume = "18", number = "2", year = "2010", url = "https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2010-2/jacs-2-2010-Zhao-Corda-Mei.pdf" }
Vol. 18 No. 1 (2010)
Contents, abstracts, full texts
BiBTeX for JACS Vol. 18 No. 1 (2010)
The BiBTeX references to papers from Vol. 18 No. 1 (2010) are given here@Article{ JACS-2010-Bartyzel, title = "Invariant {L}evenstein Distance for Comparison of Brownian Strings", author = "Krzysztof Bartyzel", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "7--17", volume = "18", number = "1", year = "2010", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2010-1/jacs-1-2010-Bartyzel.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2010-Fiser, title = "Alliance and Coalition Formation ", author = "Jir{'i} Fi\v{s}er and Viktor Mashkov", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "19--38", volume = "18", number = "1", year = "2010", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2010-1/jacs-1-2010-Fiser-Mashkov.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2010-Niewiadomski, title = "The Gentzen Sequent Calculus in {E}-Testing. Part I: Foundations", author = "Adam Niewiadomski and Andrzej Indrzejczak", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "39--48", volume = "18", number = "1", year = "2010", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2010-1/jacs-1-2010-Niewiadomski-Indrzejczak.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2010-Sobieski, title = "Use of Numerical Models in Validating Experimental Results", author = "Wojciech Sobieski", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "49--60", volume = "18", number = "1", year = "2010", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2010-1/jacs-1-2010-Sobieski.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2010-Stolarek, title = "Improving Digital Watermarking Fidelity Using Fast Neural Network for Adaptive Wavelet Synthesis ", author = "Jan Stolarek and Piotr Lipi{'n}ski", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "61--74", volume = "18", number = "1", year = "2010", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2010-1/jacs-1-2010-Stolarek-Lipinski.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2010-Szczepaniak, title = "The Role of Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge and Wisdom in Automatic Image Understanding ", author = "Piotr S. Szczepaniak and Ryszard Tadeusiewicz", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "75--85", volume = "18", number = "1", year = "2010", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2010-1/jacs-1-2010-Szczepaniak-Tadeusiewicz.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2010-Tomczyk, title = "Spatch Based Active Partitions with Linguistically Formulated Energy", author = "Arkadiusz Tomczyk and Micha{\l} Pryczek and Stanis{\l}aw Walczak and Konrad Jojczyk and Piotr S. Szczepaniak", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "87--115", volume = "18", number = "1", year = "2010", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2010-1/jacs-1-2010-Tomczyk-et-al.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2010-Wierzcholski, title = "Mathematical Implementation Into Computer Calculations for Micro-Bearings Capacities", author = "Krzysztof Ch. Wierzcholski", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "117--135", volume = "18", number = "1", year = "2010", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2010-1/jacs-1-2010-Wierzcholski.pdf" }
Vol. 17 No. 2 (2009)
Contents, abstracts, full texts
Particle Swarm Optimization: the Gradient CorrectionBożena Borowska, Stefan Nadolskipp. 7-15 Fast Skeletonization of Blood VesselsSukmoon Chang, Aaron Croasmunpp. 17-39 The Improvement of a Wireless Network Performance Functioning Based on Diffusive Moving the Loads of CellsAneta Filipiak-Karasińska, Mariusz Nyczpp. 41-56 Language Modeling and Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech RecognitionLeszek Gajecki, Ryszard Tadeusiewiczpp. 57-70 Determination of Similarity of Slavonic Languages Using D-M Soundex AlgorithmRobert Kawulakpp. 71-82 GA-Based Feed-Forward Neural Network For Image Classification: Application For the Grains of PollenNasr-Eddine Khorissi, Adel Mellit, Abderrezak Guessoum, Amel Mesaouerpp. 83-96 Implementation of the Hardware Packet Classification SystemGrzegorz Sułkowski, Maciej Twardy, Kazimierz Wiatrpp. 97-111 The Effect of Contrasting Selected Graphical Elements of a Web Page on Information Retrieval TimeMagdalena Ewa Stobińska, Maria Pietruszkapp. 113-121 Fuzzy Logic Tools in Intelligent Micro-Bearing SystemsKrzysztof Ch. Wierzcholskipp. 123-131 Book Review: BPMN Modeling and Reference Guide: Understanding and Using BPMNVitus S. W. Lampp. 133-134
BiBTeX for JACS Vol. 17 No. 2 (2009)
The BiBTeX references to papers from Vol. 17 No. 2 (2009R) are given here@Article{ JACS-2009-Borowska, title = "Particle Swarm Optimization: the Gradient Correction", author = "Bożena Borowska and Stefan Nadolski", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "7--15", volume = "17", number = "2", year = "2009", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2009-2/JACS-2009-2-Borowska-Nadolski.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2009-Chang, title = "Fast Skeletonization of Blood Vessels", author = "Sukmoon Chang and Aaron Croasmun", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "17--39", volume = "17", number = "2", year = "2009", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2009-2/JACS-2009-2-Chang-Croasmun.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2009-Filipiak, title = "The Improvement of a Wireless Network Performance Functioning Based on Diffusive Moving the Loads of Cells", author = "Aneta Filipiak-Karasi{'n}ska and Mariusz Nycz", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "41--56", volume = "17", number = "2", year = "2009", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2009-2/JACS-2009-2-FilipiakKarasinska-Nycz.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2009-Gajecki, title = "Language Modeling and Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition", author = "Leszek Gajecki and Ryszard Tadeusiewicz", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "57--70", volume = "17", number = "2", year = "2009", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2009-2/JACS-2009-2-Gajecki-Tadeusiewicz.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2009-Kawulak, title = "Determination of Similarity of Slavonic Languages Using {D-M} Soundex Algorithm", author = "Robert Kawulak", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "71--82", volume = "17", number = "2", year = "2009", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2009-2/JACS-2009-2-Kawulak.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2009-Khorissi, title = "{GA}-Based Feed-Forward Neural Network For Image Classification: Application For the Grains of Pollen", author = "Nasr-Eddine Khorissi and Adel Mellit and Abderrezak Guessoum and Amel Mesaouer", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "83--96", volume = "17", number = "2", year = "2009", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2009-2/JACS-2009-2-Khorissi-Mellit.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2009-Sulkowski, title = "Implementation of the Hardware Packet Classification System", author = "Grzegorz Su{\l}kowski and Maciej Twardy and Kazimierz Wiatr", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "97--111", volume = "17", number = "2", year = "2009", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2009-2/JACS-2009-2-Sulkowski-Twardy.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2009-Stobinska, title = "The Effect of Contrasting Selected Graphical Elements of a Web Page on Information Retrieval Time", author = "Magdalena Ewa Stobi{'n}ska and Maria Pietruszka", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "113--121", volume = "17", number = "2", year = "2009", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2009-2/JACS-2009-2-Stobinska-Pietruszka.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2009-Wierzcholski, title = "Fuzzy Logic Tools in Intelligent Micro-Bearing Systems", author = "Krzysztof Ch. Wierzcholski", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "123--131", volume = "17", number = "2", year = "2009", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2009-2/JACS-2009-2-Wierzcholski.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2009-Lam, title = "Book Review: {BPMN} Modeling and Reference Guide: Understanding and Using {BPMN}", author = "Vitus S. W. Lam", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "133--134", volume = "17", number = "2", year = "2009", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2009-2/JACS-2009-2-BookReview.pdf" }
Vol. 17 No. 1 (2009)
Contents, abstracts, full texts
In memory of Dr. Andrzej Małolepszyp. 7 Sliding mode approach to congestion control in connection-oriented communication networks Andrzej Bartoszewicz, Justyna Żukpp. 9-25 Fast method for IEEE 802.16-2004 standard-based networks coverage measuringAndrzej Bojarski, Andrzej Dajnowski, Krzysztof Gierłowski, Tomasz Gierszewski, Krzysztof Nowicki, Józef Woźniakpp. 27-24 Long signals handling within Simulink models using Level-2 M-File S-FunctionsDariusz Borkowskipp. 35-41 Simulation of Dynamic Analog Converter of SquareLeszek Kawecki, Stanislaw Raczyńskipp. 43-53 About Business Decision Making by A Consistency-Driven Pairwise Comparisons MethodWaldemar W. Koczkodaj, Rolland LeBrasseur, Aleksander Wassilew, Ryszard Tadeusziewiczpp. 55-70 On the generation of graph representation of hand postures for syntactic pattern recognitionSzymon Myślińskipp. 71-84 Column-Row Factorization Method for Unordered Sparse MatricesSergey Y. Saukhpp. 85-93 Level Set Method in Inverse Problem SolutionMagdalena Stasiak, Przemysław Berowskipp. 95-106 Analysis of dynamics of a non-linear actuator model coupling a field – circuit – motion calculation with optimal controlSławomir Stępieńpp. 107-116 Positioning of electromagnetic levitation device in case of levitating plate perforationSławomir Stępień, Jakub Kołotapp. 117-132 Lattice Structures for Synthesis and Implementation of Wavelet TransformsMykhaylo Yatsymirskyypp. 133-141
BiBTeX for JACS Vol. 17 No. 1 (2009)
The BiBTeX references to papers from Vol. 17 No. 1 (2009) are given here@Article{ JACS-2009-Bartoszewicz, title = "Sliding mode approach to congestion control in connection-oriented communication networks", author = "Andrzej Bartoszewicz and Justyna Żuk", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "9--25", volume = "17", number = "1", year = "2009", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2009-1/bartoszewicz-zuk-1-2009.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2009-Bojarski, title = "Fast method for IEEE 802.16-2004 standard-based networks coverage measuring", author = "Andrzej Bojarski and Andrzej Dajnowski and Krzysztof Gier{\l}owski and Tomasz Gierszewski and Krzysztof Nowicki and J{'o}zef Woźniak", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "27--34", volume = "17", number = "1", year = "2009", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2009-1/bojarski-dajnowski-1-2009.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2009-Borkowski, title = "Long signals handling within Simulink models using Level-2 M-File S-Functions", author = "Dariusz Borkowski", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "35--41", volume = "17", number = "1", year = "2009", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2009-1/borkowski-1-2009.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2009-Kawecki, title = "Simulation of Dynamic Analog Converter of Square", author = "Leszek Kawecki and Stanislaw Raczy{'n}ski", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "43--53", volume = "17", number = "1", year = "2009", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2009-1/Kawecki_Raczynski_z_Abstract_.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2009-Koczkodaj, title = "About Business Decision Making by A Consistency-Driven Pairwise Comparisons Method", author = "Waldemar W. Koczkodaj and Rolland LeBrasseur and Aleksander Wassilew and Ryszard Tadeusziewicz", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "55--70", volume = "17", number = "1", year = "2009", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2009-1/koczkodaj-final-1-2009.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2009-Myslinski, title = "On the generation of graph representation of hand postures for syntactic pattern recognition", author = "Szymon Myśli{'n}ski", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "71--84", volume = "17", number = "1", year = "2009", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2009-1/myslinski-1-2009.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2009-Saukh, title = "Column-Row Factorization Method for Unordered Sparse Matrices", author = "Sergey Y. Saukh", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "85--93", volume = "17", number = "1", year = "2009", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2009-1/saukh-1F.PDF" } @Article{ JACS-2009-Stasiak, title = "Level Set Method in Inverse Problem Solution", author = "Magdalena Stasiak and Przemys{\l}aw Berowski", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "95--106", volume = "17", number = "1", year = "2009", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2009-1/stasiak_berowski-1-2009.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2009-Stepien, title = "Analysis of dynamics of a non-linear actuator model coupling a field -- circuit -- motion calculation with optimal control", author = "S{\l}awomir St\c{e}pie{'n}", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "107--116", volume = "17", number = "1", year = "2009", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2009-1/stepien-1-2009.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2009-StepienKolota, title = "Positioning of electromagnetic levitation device in case of levitating plate perforation", author = "S{\l}awomir St\c{e}pie{'n} and Jakub Ko{\l}ota", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "117--132", volume = "17", number = "1", year = "2009", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2009-1/stepien-jacs_lewitation.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2009-Yatsymirskyy, title = "Lattice Structures for Synthesis and Implementation of Wavelet Transforms", author = "Mykhaylo Yatsymirskyy", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "133--141", volume = "17", number = "1", year = "2009", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2009-1/jacymirski.pdf" }
Vol. 16 No. 2 (2008)
Contents, abstracts, full texts
Coding the size of neural network in assembler encodingTomasz Praczykpp. 7-22 DHS: A Data Handover Scheme for Lifetime Enhancement of Wireless Sensor NetworksAbhishek Bhattacharyya, Anand Seetharam, Mrinal K. Naskarpp. 23-41 Internet Contamination as a Global Harm and a Social ProblemVolodymyr Babiy, Brian Bigelow, Ratvinder S. Grewal, Ryszard Janicki, Tamar Kakiashvili, Waldemar W. Koczkodaj, Kalpdrum Passi, Ryszard Tadeusiewiczpp. 43-53 Implementation of MFCC vector generation in classification contextDominik Niewiadomy, Adam Pelikantpp. 55-65 Supervised Object Classification Using Adaptive Active Hypercontours with Growing Neural Gas RepresentationMichał Pryczekpp. 67-80 Optimisation of neural network controller architecture in DC motor modelKarol Józefowicz, Jakub Kołota, Sławomir Stepienpp. 81-88 Real-time ice visualisation on the GPUDominik Szajerman, Maria Pietruszkapp. 89-106
BiBTeX for JACS Vol. 16 No. 2 (2008)
The BiBTeX references to papers from Vol. 16 No. 2 (2008) are given here@Article{ JACS-2008-Praczyk, title = "Coding the size of neural network in assembler encoding", author = "Tomasz Praczyk", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "7--22", volume = "16", number = "2", year = "2008", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2008-2/praczyk-2-2008.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2008-Bhattacharyya, title = "DHS: A Data Handover Scheme for Lifetime Enhancement of Wireless Sensor Networks", author = "Abhishek Bhattacharyya and Anand Seetharam and Mrinal K. Naskar", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "23--41", volume = "16", number = "2", year = "2008", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2008-2/bhattacharyya-2-2008.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2008-Babiy, title = "Internet Contamination as a Global Harm and a Social Problem", author = "Volodymyr Babiy and Brian Bigelow and Ratvinder S. Grewal and Ryszard Janicki and Tamar Kakiashvili and Waldemar W. Koczkodaj and Kalpdrum Passi and Ryszard Tadeusiewicz", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "43--53", volume = "16", number = "2", year = "2008", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2008-2/babiy-bigelow-2-2008.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2008-Niewiadomy, title = "Implementation of MFCC vector generation in classification context", author = "Dominik Niewiadomy and Adam Pelikant", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "55--65", volume = "16", number = "2", year = "2008", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2008-2/niewiadomy-2-2008.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2008-Pryczek, title = "Supervised Object Classification Using Adaptive Active Hypercontours with Growing Neural Gas Representation", author = "Micha{\l} Pryczek", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "67--80", volume = "16", number = "2", year = "2008", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2008-2/pryczek-2-2008.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2008-Jozefowicz, title = "Optimisation of neural network controller architecture in DC motor model", author = "Karol J{'o}zefowicz and Jakub Ko{\l}ota and S{\l}awomir St\c{e}pie{'n}", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "81--88", volume = "16", number = "2", year = "2008", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2008-2/jozefowicz-2-2008.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2008-Szajerman, title = "Real-time ice visualisation on the GPU", author = "Dominik Szajerman and Maria Pietruszka", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "89--106", volume = "16", number = "2", year = "2008", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2008-2/szajerman-pietruszka-2-2008.pdf" }
Vol. 16 No. 1 (2008)
Contents, abstracts, full texts
Application of the PSO Algorithm with Sub-domain Approach for the Optimization of a Radio Telescope ArrayBożena Borowska, Stefan Nadolskipp. 7-14 Safety proof of Combinations of CRC for Industrial CommunicationTina Mattes, Frank Schiller, Annemarie Mörwald, Jörg Pfahler, Thomas Honoldpp. 15-32 Modeling Access to Emergency Medical Service – Monte Carlo Simulation Model in SpreadsheetBożena Mielczarek, Jacek Zabawapp. 33-48 Programming controllers in Structured Text language of IEC 61131-3 standardDariusz Rzońca, Jan Sadolewski, Andrzej Stec, Zbigniew Świder, Bartosz Trybus, Leszek Trybuspp. 49-67 Fuzzy Modeling of QoS for e-Business Transactions Realized by Web ServicesSilva Robak, Andrzej Pieczyńskipp. 69-79 Application of Hybrid Fourier Wavelet Transform to Data Space Reduction in Clothing Sales Volume Time SeriesPiotr Lipiński, Mykhaylo Yatsymirskyypp. 81-88 3D Finite Element Estimation of Stray Losses in Three-Phase TransformersMarco Antonio Venegas Vega, Rafael Escarela Pérez, Tadeusz Niewierowiczpp. 89-100
BiBTeX for JACS Vol. 16 No. 1 (2008)
The BiBTeX references to papers from Vol. 16 No. 1 (2008) are given here@Article{ JACS-2008-Borowska, title = "Application of the PSO Algorithm with Sub-domain Approach for the Optimization of a Radio Telescope Array", author = "Bożena Borowska and Stefan Nadolski", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "7--14", volume = "16", number = "1", year = "2008", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2008-1/1-2008-borowska-nadolski.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2008-Mattes, title = "Safety proof of Combinations of {CRC} for Industrial Communication", author = {Tina Mattes and Frank Schiller and Annemarie M{\"o}rwald and J{\"o}rg Pfahler and Thomas Honold}, journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "15--32", volume = "16", number = "1", year = "2008", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2008-1/1-2008-mattes-schiller.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2008-Mielczarek, title = "Modeling Access to Emergency Medical Service -- {Monte Carlo} Simulation Model in Spreadsheet", author = "Bożena Mielczarek and Jacek Zabawa", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "33--48", volume = "16", number = "1", year = "2008", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2008-1/1-2008-mielczarek-zabawa.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2008-Rzonca, title = "Programming controllers in Structured Text language of {IEC} 61131-3 standard", author = "Dariusz Rzo{'n}ca and Jan Sadolewski and Andrzej Stec and Zbigniew {'S}wider and Bartosz Trybus and Leszek Trybus", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "49--67", volume = "16", number = "1", year = "2008", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2008-1/1-2008-rzonca-sadolewski.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2008-Robak, title = "Fuzzy Modeling of {QoS} for e-Business Transactions Realized by Web Services", author = "Silva Robak and Andrzej Pieczy{'n}ski", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "66--79", volume = "16", number = "1", year = "2008", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2008-1/1-2008-robak-pieczynski.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2008-Lipinski, title = "Application of Hybrid {F}ourier Wavelet Transform to Data Space Reduction in Clothing Sales Volume Time Series", author = "Piotr Lipi{'n}ski and Mykhaylo Yatsymirskyy", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "81--88", volume = "16", number = "1", year = "2008", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2008-1/1-2008-lipinski-jacymirski.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2008-Vega, title = "{3D} Finite Element Estimation of Stray Losses in Three-Phase Transformers", author = "Marco Antonio Venegas Vega and Rafael Escarela P{'e}rez and Tadeusz Niewierowicz", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "89--100", volume = "16", number = "1", year = "2008", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2008-1/1-2008-vega-perez.pdf" }
Vol. 15 No. 2 (2007)
Contents, abstracts, full texts
BiBTeX for JACS Vol. 15 No. 2 (2007)
The BiBTeX references to papers from Vol. 15 No. 2 (2007) are given here@Article{ JACS-2007-Protasiewicz, title = "Price Prediction of the Electric Energy -- Regression versus Neural Approach", author = "Jaros{\l}aw Protasiewicz and Piotr S. Szczepaniak", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "7--17", volume = "15", number = "2", year = "2007", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2007-2/protasiewicz-szczepaniak.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2007-Park, title = "Air-void Analysis System of Polished Concrete Using Image Processing", author = "Sang-Hee Park and Hyo-Kak Kim and Aldo Morales and Sung-Jea Ko", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "19--25", volume = "15", number = "2", year = "2007", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2007-2/morales-park.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2007-Michalak, title = "Dynamic Correlation Approach to Early Stopping in Neural Forecasting of Macroeconomic Indices", author = "Krzysztof Michalak and Rafa{\l} Raciborski", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "27--40", volume = "15", number = "2", year = "2007", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2007-2/michalak.raciborski.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2007-Lipowska-b, title = "Comparison of {LU} decomposition realizations on a systolic computer", author = "Ewa Lipowska-Nadolska and Marcin Kwapisz", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "41--50", volume = "15", number = "2", year = "2007", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2007-2/nadolska-kwapisz-comparison.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2007-Filatova, title = "Numerical solution of portfolio optimal control with constraints: the case of the object as weakly singular integral equation", author = "Daria Filatova and Marek Grzywaczewski", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "51--69", volume = "15", number = "2", year = "2007", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2007-2/jacs_filatova.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2007-Niewiadomy, title = "Digital Speech Signal Parameterization by Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients and Word Boundaries", author = "Dominik Niewiadomy and Adam Pelikant", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "71--81", volume = "15", number = "2", year = "2007", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2007-2/niewiadomy.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2007-Kaczorek, title = "Determination of Singular Positive Realization of Improper Transfer Matrices of 2{D} Linear Systems", author = "Tadeusz Kaczorek", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "83--104", volume = "15", number = "2", year = "2007", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2007-2/kaczorek-2-2007.pdf" }
Vol. 15 No. 1 (2007)
Contents, abstracts, full texts
BRILI, A Cross-Lingual Question Answering System Based on ILI to Reduce The Negative Effect of Machine TranslationSergio Ferrández, Antonio Ferrández, Sandra Roger, Pilar López-Moreno, Jesús Peralpp. 7-26 Creating and Application of Maps of Concepts for DL OntologiesKrzysztof Goczyła, Wojciech Waloszek, Teresa Zawadzka, Michał Zawadzkipp. 27-46 INLAB: Improving XML Path Query OptimizationSu-Cheng Haw, Chien-Sing Leepp. 47-61 Improved Heuristic Rules for the Price Algorithm of Global OptimizationFrerich J. Keil, Stoyan K. Stoyanov, Stanimir Y. Yordanovpp. 63-82 Systolic Array Design Using New SimulatorEwa Lipowska-Nadolska, Marcin Kwapiszpp. 83-97
BiBTeX for JACS Vol. 15 No. 1 (2007)
The BiBTeX references to papers from Vol. 15 No. 1 (2007) are given here@Article{ JACS-2007-Ferrandez, title = "{BRILI}, A Cross-Lingual Question Answering System Based on {ILI} to Reduce The Negative Effect of Machine Translation", author = "Sergio Ferr{'a}ndez and Antonio Ferr{'a}ndez and Sandra Roger and Pilar L{'o}pez-Moreno and Jes{'u}s Peral", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "7--26", volume = "15", number = "1", year = "2007", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2007-1/ferrandez-ferrandez-1-2007.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2007-Goczyla, title = "Creating and Application of Maps of Concepts for {DL} Ontologies", author = "Krzysztof Goczy{\l}a and Wojciech Waloszek and Teresa Zawadzka and Micha{\l} Zawadzki", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "27--46", volume = "15", number = "1", year = "2007", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2007-1/goczyla-waloszek.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2007-Haw, title = "{INLAB}: Improving {XML} Path Query Optimization", author = "Su-Cheng Haw and Chien-Sing Lee", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "47--61", volume = "15", number = "1", year = "2007", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2007-1/haw-lee.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2007-Keil, title = "Improved Heuristic Rules for the Price Algorithm of Global Optimization", author = "Frerich J. Keil and Stoyan K. Stoyanov and Stanimir Y. Yordanov", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "63--82", volume = "15", number = "1", year = "2007", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2007-1/keil-stoyanov-price.pdf" } @Article{ JACS-2007-Lipowska-a, title = "Systolic Array Design Using New Simulator ", author = "Ewa Lipowska-Nadolska and Marcin Kwapisz", journal = "Journal of Applied Computer Science", pages = "83--97", volume = "15", number = "1", year = "2007", url = " https://it.p.lodz.pl/file.php/12/2007-1/nadolska-kwapisz-systolic.pdf" }
Vol. 14 No. 2 (2006)
Contents, abstracts, full texts
Constraint satisfaction problem based modelling and value ordering based heuristic for nurse schedulingLakhdar Djefal, Gilles Goncalves, Malika Babespp. 7-28 Introduction to gathering, documenting and maintaining requirementsKonrad Świrski, Remigiusz Wasilewskipp. 29-48 Congestion Control in Communication Networks with Variable Discretization PeriodTomasz Molik, Andrzej Bartoszewicz, Przemysław Ignaciukpp. 49-64 Analysis of Short Latencies In Industrial Network EnvironmentsMichał Morawskipp. 65-78 Parallel implementation of a quantum computing simulatorMarek Sawerwain, Jakub Pileckipp. 79-90 Integration of relational resources in an object-oriented data grid with an exampleJacek Wislicki, Kamil Kuliberda, Tomasz Kowalski, Radosław Adamuspp. 91-108 Genetic Algorithms in Electromagnetism: The Helmholtz CoilsBożena Borowska, Stefan Nadolskipp.109-118
BiBTeX for JACS Vol. 14 No. 2 (2006)
The BiBTeX references to papers from Vol. 14 No. 2 (2006) are given here
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